ORCA is the premiere ROV developed by ROVOTICS thanks to its standardization and modularity. ORCA’s versatile frame, powerful electronics boards, and ROS2-based software allow it to accomplish a plethora of tasks from constructing 3D models of coral to launching a GO-BGC float to lifting milk crates from the sea floor. ORCA also drastically improved on p9ilotability through features like yaw-lock to maintain ORCA’s angular orientation and MABS to manage the ROV’s buoyancy system.
Thanks to its modularity and pilotability, ORCA is the ROV of the future that can accomplish any task anywhere.
2022 - 2023
2022 - 2023
Tardigrade is ROVOTICS’ 2022-2023 ROV. It’s the fourth generation of our CORE ROV system, and it’s the most refined that the system has ever been. The reliable CORE ROV platform allows ROVOTICS to allocate more time to tools development, meaning that Tardigrade is the most capable ROV we have ever created.
Tardigrade features an array of mission-ready tools, like a powerful lift bag and a custom syringe tool for extracting eDNA samples. It’s also equipped with a revamped version of our GO-BGC float to monitor ocean environments. Tardigrade’s CORE ROV platform also means that adding new tools in a rapid process, so that it can be easily adjusted to fit all of your undersea needs.
2021 - 2022
2021 - 2022
Rovotics designed and manufactured Manatee to efficiently complete tasks in waters around the world. Manatee is fully equipped to service offshore energy systems, maintain aquaculture and blue carbon populations, and survey Arctic ocean conditions. Innovative tools and features allow Manatee to repair inter-array cables, deploy a hydrophone, inspect and repair aquaculture fish pens, farm seagrass, recover and deploy a GO-BGC float, and examine the Endurance wreck.
Rovotics’ design process includes sketches, prototypes, 3D modeling, and extensive component-level and in-water testing on the core ROV system, a modular and reliable ROV platform. Focus on standardization accelerated build time, lowered production costs, and streamlined serviceability, modularity, and reliability.
2021-2022 Team
2019 - 2021
2019 - 2021
Nautilus is designed to operate in underwater environments around the world. The ROV is fully equipped with tools to remove trash from the water, restore and remediate aquatic habitats, and survey subsea features.
Nautilus is the product of months of planning, prototyping, and testing to meet quality and safety standards. With features such as a modular frame, expandable electronics, and an extensible software platform, Nautilus is built to adapt to emerging global environmental challenges.
2019-2021 Team
2018 - 2019
2018 - 2019
Boxfish a versatile ROV that is optimized to efficiently complete tasks in lakes and rivers. Boxfish is fully equipped with specialized tools to measure and recover historical artifacts, service a dam autonomously, monitor water quality, determine habitat diversity, and restore marine habitats. These tools allow the ROV to mark locations of cannon shells, install a dam trash rack, insert grout into voids in dams, inflate and release lift bags to recover heavy objects, install new fish habitats and remove pollution, sense pH and temperature, and utilize software to autonomously follow lines and recognize marine species.
Rovotics’ design process included whiteboard drawings, prototypes, 3D modeling, and extensive component-level and in-water testing. We manufactured the vast majority of Boxfish’s components in-house with a mix of conventional shop equipment and advanced processes using a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) mill, a 3D printer, and a custom circuit board fabrication.
2018-2019 Team
2011-2018 ROVS
2011-2018 ROVS